Rye Girls Softball Rules Overview
RGS Rec League Rules
We will follow all rules in Little League Softball Rule Book with the following exceptions:
Playing the Game
- Playing with Fewer than 9 Players. A team may play a game with 8 of its players; in such situation players may be borrowed from the opposing team to play defensively only. There will NOT be an automatic out registered at bat for the missing 9th player in the batting order
- Number of Outfielders. For the 8U &10U Divisions, the rules dictate that four (4) outfielders should be used. At the pitch, the four outfielders can be no closer than the edge of the outfield grass.
- 8U: All 8U games will have an umpire. They will use the regulation “hard” softball.
- Catchers: Catchers must wear a dangling throat guard on the catcher’s mask; no exceptions.
- No on deck batters for minors and majors divisions. Only the batter is holding a bat.
- Coaches may not warm up the pitcher in 10U, 12U, and 14U divisions.
Time Limit
- Minors and Majors: No new inning can begin after 1-hour and 45 minutes.
- Juniors: No new inning can begin after 2 hours.
- Roster Batting. For all divisions, every player on the team bats in a designated spot in the order for the entire game. No batting substitutions are necessary or appropriate.
- Mercy Rule: 10U/8U has no mercy rule due to the accommodation outlined in 3(c). The 12U/14U division will utilize the 10 run mercy rule outlined per the Rule Book.
- Limit: In the 10U/8U division, the inning shall end at the earliest of three (3) recorded outs or the offensive team scored 5 runs. This applies for the all innings, including the 6th
- Bunting. Bunting is permitted at all levels, but discouraged for other than strategic reasons; no slashing.
- Bats. All bats to be in compliance with Little League guidelines.
- Stepping out of Batter’s Box: For all divisions -- A batter may not take both feet out of the batter’s box, except for the eight reasons listed in the rule book. After the first offence per at bat, the umpire will call a strike on the batter. This rule will not be enforced during the regular season. It is here to remind you that this rule will be enforced in the tournament. Make sure your players do not get in the habit of stepping out of the batter’s box, except for the 8 reasons listed in the rulebook.
- A team with up to 14 players actually present, each player must play at least 6 consecutive defensive outs.
- A team with 15-20 players actually present, each player must play at least 3 consecutive defensive outs.
Pitching: Rules are same as little league rule book for the 12U/14U Divisions. For the 10U/8U Division, the pitching rules will mirror the little league rule book with the following exceptions:
- Pitchers may pitch a maximum of three (3) innings per game and a maximum of six (6) innings per week.
- After the third walk and/or hit batter in an inning, a coach from the offensive team shall pitch the remainder of the inning. When the coach is pitching, no balls will be called, but strikes will be called. The pitcher will remain in the pitcher’s fielding position and the same pitcher may resume pitching the next inning, assuming eligibility remains.
- 8U coaches may pitch to their teams for the first couple of weeks. Effective May 1st the girls must pitch.
- 8U pitching plate shall be 30 feet from home plate.
- Regulation softballs will be used in all divisions. Section 1.09 of rule book.
12U Teams:
- Runners must maintain contact with the base until the ball is released by the pitcher. If the umpire rules that the runner left the base early, the runner is out.
- On a dropped third strike, the batter can advance to 1st base if unoccupied or there are 2 outs. Defense must make the put-out.
- No headfirst sliding except when returning to a base. No intentional contact.
10U Teams:
- Runners must maintain contact with the base until the ball reaches the batter. If the umpire rules that the runner left the base early, the runner is out.
- No delayed steal.
- After a runner steals a base, there is no further advancement allowed on that play.
- On a dropped third strike, the batter is automatically out.
- No headfirst sliding except when returning to a base. No intentional contact.
- There will be a maximum of six (6) steals per game and a maximum of three (3) steals per inning.
- Stealing home is not allowed.
- No stealing when the coach is pitching.
8U Teams:
- No stealing
- No advance on an overthrow, including throws to pitcher
- No leading or leaving a base until the pitch reaches the batter.
- No headfirst sliding except when returning to a base. No intentional contact
Courtesy Runner All Divisions: A team may use a courtesy runner for the catcher who is going to catch the following half inning. There must be 2 outs and since roster batting is used, it must be the last player who made out in the batting order.
Uniforms and Equipment
- Proper uniforms are required
- Everyone will receive a team uniform shirt, hat and socks
- Tee Ball (6U): black shorts or baseball pants are acceptable
- Minor, Major & Junior Divisions: black baseball pants are required
- Face guards are required for anyone playing an infield position
- Batting helmets must have an attached face guard